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subota, 13. siječnja 2018.

This Plant Kills 14 Types Of Cancer And 13 Different Infections!

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If you have cancer or a chronic disease, you’ve probably heard that eating lots of vegetables can fight the disease and give your body the nutritional support it needs to withstand chemotherapy and other drugs prescribed to you.

One “vegetable” in particular—garlic—contains substances that are especially powerful weapons against cancer, says the American Institute for Cancer Research. So including garlic in your diet may help you treat cancer.

The primary health benefits of garlic are due to a sulfur compound known as allicin, which also gives garlic its pungent odor. A mere one milligram of allicin is nearly 15x as potent as penicillin.

The compound offers a broad spectrum of protection against pathogenic bacteria, viruses, parasites, antibiotic resistant MRSA, yeast infections, and is one of many amazing cancer-fighting foods.

Garlic contains 33 active sulfur-containing substances. When ingested, allicin converts to sulfenic acid, which is the fastest acting free radical eliminator bar none. Recently, the University of Florida found eating garlic increased the number of virus fighting T-cells in the bloodstream.
Savvy health experts increasingly promote eating whole foods as a foundational healing method as opposed to taking supplements, especially when it comes to garlic. Eating fresh, raw garlic is by far the best way to ensure garlic’s numerous health benefits.

The very best way to eat garlic for health purposes is to first press a fresh clove with a garlic press, or chop it, or smash it with the back of a knife. Then wait about 5 minutes or so before consuming. This ritual activates the potent, medicinal allicin in garlic.


A quick perusal of a literature provided by the National Library of Medicine, contains 4525 study abstracts on garlic indicates that garlic has a significant role to play in preventing or treating well over 150 health conditions, ranging from cancer to diabetes, infection to plaque buildup in the arteries, DNA damage to mercury poisoning!

In fact, according to World Health Organization statistics, the populations of poorer countries die mainly from causes directly connected to communicable infectious diseases, which incidentally are not caused by a lack of vaccines, rather, primarily through under-nutrition and malnourishment, lack of sanitation and hygiene, as well as the adverse physiological consequences of the depression and stress associated with poverty.

The greater use and availability of garlic might provide a perfect alternative to global vaccine initiatives, the use of which are driven less by compelling scientific research, and more by political and economic forces. Garlic is easier to acquire and distribute, and can often be grown by the affected persons or communities affected, making it essentially free.

Garlic Can Kill 14 Types Of Cancer
The drug industry has spent billions of dollars researching for a “cancer pill” but has not succeeded. Synthetic medicines have far too many dangerous side effects that become highly toxic in the body, causing more diseases.
Natural and whole foods, on the other hand, have complete nutrients to not only stop diseases, but also to heal the body.
This amazing plant can kill at least 14 types of cancer:
-Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
-Acute Myeloid Leukemia

-Basal Cell Carcinoma
-Breast Cancer
-Cervical Cancer
-Colon Cancer
-Endometrial Cancer
-Gastric Cancer
-Leukemia: Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL)
-Liver Cancer
-Pancreatic Cancer
Garlic Can Protect The Heart

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