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subota, 13. siječnja 2018.

Tomatoes – Guardians Of Our Health and No.1 On Our Tables!

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Tomato, in Latin, is known as Lycopersicon    Lycopersicum, is a garden plant, which isn’t precisely defined whether is a fruit or a vegetable. It is used for as an ingredient for almost all sorts of meals, various specialties, salads, sauces, winter supplies, soups, among which the most famous specialty is the ketchup, which is definitely irreplaceable in all restaurants worldwide. Without ketchup, many tasty dishes as pizza would not have existed… 

Today, we chose to represent you the healthy benefits of the tomato and to reveal its importance and benefit for the organism. Is the worldwide usage of the tomato justified? Read in the following text…

People weren’t aware for the existence of the tomato until the invention of America. It was brought into Europe by the Spanish, and it became very popular. Even though the tomato the most widely used fruit, and is considered as one of the healthiest fruits, we can’t use its leaves and stems, because of the toxins they contain, so they can be classified in the group of poisonous.

The tomato is known to be in the group of low-calorie foods, it contains only 18 calories per 100 grams, and that puts him in the group of groceries suitable for a diet. 95% of his composition is water. The tomato contains 0.2% fat, protein 0.9% and carbohydrates 2.6%. 

For the tomato, it is interesting that it contains more iron even than milk, chicken, and fish and is very rich in copper. The carotenoids are also very important, and the tomato contains over 600 different types of carotenoids. The red color of the tomato is from the Lycopene. Almost 85% of the total lycopene which is consumed is received exactly from the tomato.

For the benefits of the tomato there is quite a lot to say, thus we will mention only the most important healthy benefits that you can have from its regularly consummation. The high presence of oxalic makes the tomato very helpful for people who suffer from joint diseases, as well as rheumatism and inflammation of the joint capsule. It is an excellent choice for people with cardiovascular diseases; it protects the heart and blood vessels and helps in reducing the blood pressure.

We mentioned the lycopene above, and that is because that it is the most powerful antioxidant, which is even two times more powerful than the well-known beta carotene, and amazing 10 times more powerful than alpha-tocopherol. The presence of the lycopene makes tomatoes real antioxidant bomb and a powerful fighter against free radicals and. According to experts, reduces the chances for cancer.

Be careful when it comes to buying tomatoes, try to buy fresh and with organic origin, but always preserve this fruit in the fall, so you don’t have to be without tomatoes any month of the year. The best way to keep this fruit is to be frozen in a deep freeze chamber because only then you can consume it in winter, and it has similar nutritive values as it is fresh.

We mentioned the ketchup above and speaking of, we can say that is very healthy, but only if it is homemade. Others contain additives that exceed the useful effect. If you can make it at home, adding only natural ingredients you will not jeopardize the quality, and you will get all benefits and is just like the consuming of the fresh tomatoes.

As we said before, the tomato has amazing health benefits and we have mentioned just a few important, because we do not need to repeat that a tomato is a fruit that is definitely the richest source of antioxidants and that is making it a powerful guardian of our health.

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