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petak, 12. siječnja 2018.

God Lemon Water To Treat These Health Problems

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Even if you don’t drink it, there’s a great chance you’ve heard about lemon water. Millions of people drink lemon water first thing in the morning, and there are many reasons why. Lemon water is one of the best beverages for your health. 

It will provide your body with essential nutrients and keep you hydrated, while also flooding it with alkalinity. In this way, you’ll stay protected against various ailments.
Here’s how lemon water improves your overall health:
Treats acne
Drinking lemon water regularly will reduce the acidity in your body and using it on your skin can treat acne.
Treats kidney stones
Lemon water will prevent the formation of oxalates in your kidneys by raising your urine’s citrate levels, in that way preventing kidney stones.
Boosts your immune system
Lemon water can boost the function of our lymphatic system and improve the immune system as well.
Curbs cravings and promotes weight loss
Lemon water will keep your blood sugar levels steady and curb your cravings. The citrus fruit contains a lot of pectin, a fiber that can boost your digestion and satiate you, which will eventually lead to weight loss.
Fights gallbladder pain
Drinking lemon water along your meals in order to relieve gallbladder pain.
Reduces the symptoms of the flu, colds and coughs
The vitamin C in lemons is a powerful antioxidant that can help you in the treatment of colds and the flu.
Treats GERD
Drinking lemon water every day will prevent acid reflux and treat the symptoms of GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease).
Reinforces your nails
Lemon water will reinforce your nails and eliminate any spots on them.
Keeps you safe from food poisoning
If you want to stay safe from food poisoning in a foreign country, you should drink lemon water during your stay there.
Treats fibromyalgia
Drinking lemon water every day and taking yoga classes as well is a great way to reduce the pain caused by fibromyalgia.
Relieves inflammation
Lemons have anti-inflammatory properties, which means they can reduce inflammation in your body and prevent a variety of diseases and conditions.
Treats sore muscles after workouts
Drinking lemon water after exercising to prevent sore muscles.
Reduces joint pain and swelling
Lemon water prevents the accumulation of uric acid and its crystallization in our joints, effectively reducing the pain and swelling.

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