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subota, 13. siječnja 2018.


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Muškat's nutschase makes it easier to cure, relieve burns, relieve gases, help treat chronic colitis, diarrhea and gastroenteritis.


In the country of origin - India, muscat walnut has a long tradition of healing, and its healing properties are increasingly priced in modern phytotherapy. This spice has antibacterial effect, it is very effective in the treatment of mouth and gum infections, and is the best natural against gingivitis.

Molded fruit makes it easier to cure, relieve burns, relieve gases, lower cholesterol levels and fat in the blood, lice of diarrhea and gastroenteritis. 

Due to anti-inflammatory activity, phytochemicals with muscular nutrition are recommended as a supplement to the treatment of internal organ disease. This beneficial spice relaxes the arms, relieves the body and has a soothing effect.

Nutmeg preparations help in eczema, and warm compresses reduce the problems caused by rheumatism. The nutmeg is also known as a powerful aphrodisiac, which is why the elixirs on the basis of this spice are prescribed for men with impaired sexual function.

Using walnut nutrition in the treatment, including culinary, implies strict compliance with the dosage rules. Maximum daily intake of this spice should not be greater than 3 grams, while in concentrations above 5 grams it also exhibits some negative traits - it acts psychoactive and can cause anxiety, anxiety, even mild hallucinations, which should not be used by patients With diagnosed mental problems.


Pasta against stomach problems
Pour the spoonful of nutmeg and half of the powdered pudding with a little cold water, stir until the pasta comes in. Keep in a cool place. In case of problems with the stomach, rinse 200 ml of water, add 3 g of paste, mix for 30 seconds to dissolve. When it becomes lukewarm, drink in smaller sips.

To soften the juice
Grind the dwarf tea and add a little struck nutmeg. Cover, and when cooled, drink. Helps in the case of inflammation of the digestive tract, eliminates burns and gases.

Melem against eczema
Add a spoonful of beeswax and add 3 g of homemade musk walnuts. Make a good run, pour into the glass bowl and leave to stand. Lubricate the skin affected by eczema several times a day.

Add the half cups of musk walnut powder to the water in the glass. Let it cool down with this fluidity throughout the day to spit your mouth. Do not swallow liquid. Helps in the case of all oral infections.

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